Jul 4Liked by Ivan Throne

I am willing to die for my convictions

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There cannot be nations without that.

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Jul 4Liked by Ivan Throne


Next question:

Are you willing to kill for them?

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Jul 4Liked by Ivan Throne

Absolutely! This fmr 12 yr infantry Marine is ready to grab the gear and rifle and go back to work. This country is long overdue for a massive purge.

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Then before we get to the purge and well before kinetics, let's get to coherence.

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When the collapse begins and the 2nd American Revolution kicks off....I live in a very target rich environment. I will be plenty busy

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Contemporary academia is horrible, to be sure, but being educated doesn't make one evil.

Should Wendell Berry be executed? If Albert Borgmann didn't die recently, should he be put up against a wall because he was a professor?

Vox points out that every successful revolution in history was lead by an opposition aristocracy -- many of then good, including those who led the American Revolution.

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Lenin was an autodidact. So was Hitler and Trotsky and Mao and every other person who changed history; they learned in order to perform, not to be "learned".

Aristocracy and intelligentsia are two entirely different things.

One is breeding. The other is behavior, and they have nothing to do with each other.


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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Ivan Throne

If the author actually believes this why is he writing egghead meta-political articles on Substack and not instead out organizing barbarian hoards to crush skulls? Look I get midwit Jew academics are annoying, that being the case why not just be honest and name them?

Do Evola, Junger, Dugin and Carl Schidt books get burned too in this little bloodletting of the intellectual eggheads? Are not most of us here reading this not more than a little nerdy? Do you think real men who crush egghead skulls are reading meta-politics on Substack?

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Thank you for the smile your frustration brings. It is good to see impact on those who haven't risen to comprehension, but nonetheless can feel it has struck them somehow.

Keep reading, keep learning, keep looking.

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when you get about 60 or so, read this article to yourself and see how you did.

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I'll be 54 this year and it is observably accurate.

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Jul 3Liked by Ivan Throne

I'm 58.

If I were to express any mildest criticism of this article, which I am not at all inclined to do, but your comment prompted this line of thought, it would be to say that most men will avoid this self-examination like they avoid the proctologist, and for the same reason: they fear the answer. This means that the article might be said to be somewhat more optimistic than our condition warrants, if I wasn't confident that the author knows this very well. The article is itself a filter of men. Ponder for your own sake which side of the filter you end up on. None other need know the result except you.

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Well said, and we agree. Sometimes gammas must be beaten; rarely it prevents them from being shot. Best of all if they self-correct from bad character to real worker.

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Ah, you force me to clarify. I took "know thyself" from the ancient traditions to heart as a child. In the 1960's. Since i did the work, One thing i learned over the decades, is that projection is a thing. people almost always project what they need to express. I try to help people do the same thing, see my recent articles on virtues the effective ways organization of consciousness and many others. I never have an angry tone like this because i did not have TV, internet, what have you, or any distractions when i did this. I know i is much harder to to because of the massive external stimuli. The anger and frustration that comes through here is likely with the self. I never played video games (except tetris for a few weeks. so, I have compassion for the difficulty, and discipline it takes to do the deed. I got pretty far, but i believe there was farther to go. Our ancestors have even less time wasters to avoid.

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Jul 3Liked by Ivan Throne

The emperor Qin, circa 400 BC, left this advice for his heirs and successors:

"First, kill all the intellectuals."

I always thought it was because the intellectual class are the source of narrative ideologies that lead others against the interests of the nation.

Is this just a different way of saying the same thing, or merely secondary?

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I am always curious what Academia was thinking when their empire was crumbling under the weight of being overeducated and underfunded.

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