Donald Trump has won the Presidency for another term in office.
He has been demonized, branded felon, headshot, and half a world has been made to loathe him. He is instantly recognizable and those who have been in his presence testify to the intensity, energy, and intelligence.
Barring fatal incident, he is back and will soon resume office.
It is with enormous pleasure that the Company, the Tribunals, and the work of the Movement now have a potentially far more fertile environment for entrenchment into both critical continuity industries, and the noncooperative arenas that will inevitably ignite and arise.
“Ivan, we can all relax now!”
Most will, in fact, do this. And those without revolutionary fervor, those who are unable to recognize that four years is short, will find themselves playing catch up all over again in a very short time.
That’s called straggling, and you know what I and the Men of the Movement think of that rather gratuitously indecent posture.
Therefore take this enormous profit opportunity and start hacking into the forest of every chance you have to build power, authority, influence, and wealth!
You have four years before the most charismatic global leader since the Second World War finishes his second term in power and is essentially off the global stage.
He’s captured the imagination of the world and has held rapt it for almost a decade.
Now he has four years to sear a permanent legacy into it.
Whether those hold or not; whether he has any ability to prevent the United States and the broader West from sliding into catastrophic, implosive crash; he will almost certainly achieve certain impacts, generate consequent bow waves and rear draft, and otherwise facilitate rapid preparation for the end of his regime.
We have a few concepts here for you to tumble and turn here.
Some are simple enough. Bow waves need no explanation. Rear draft refers to the process by which a fast vehicle creates lower pressure air behind it; a pocket in which another driver, if skilled enough, can maneuver within and be pulled along within that pocket. Not for citizen highway transit; professional drivers will be familiar with it.
From the standpoint of the Company and my own person, the electoral victory of Donald Trump represents an enormous opportunity to establish and grow, network and prepare, acquire and invest, for the times that will inevitably return with bitterness and frustrated rage in the next round.
We have a reprieve of conflict on one front: the immediate consequences of ideological idiots and nepotistic bandits forcefully driving every possible ship of state into suicide. That is now disrupted.
That’s a strategic change, that disruption. Now there will be an effective vocal leader with authority and reputation in command of the United States executive branch again. Yes, I’m well aware of Trump’s shortcomings. That’s not the point of this post; I certainly don’t look to him as a savior. It would also be foolish to disavow the historic majesty of the entire spectacle.
After all, it’s a terrific circus.
But for four years a man will be in charge who has defied assassins, trials, convictions, mass engineered loathing, and absolutely insane demonization to surge his way back into power without the questions of the last “experiment” in 2020.
He’s done the job already, and understands intimately what’s involved.
He knows who the embedded adversaries are, because they’ve bitten him.
He knows who doesn’t fear any longer, and will go to war with him.
He knows he only has four years.
Do you envision Trump to be a smiling old Grandfather on the Mountain who simply holds the mantle of the Presidency until Vance ceremonially inherits?
Or will he strike out and make profound angry movements as a heavy beast does, leaving behind deep spoor of gashes through society?
Economic, military, social, political, even in those critical continuity industries…
Do not miss this time. You may have been given a short reprieve.
What does this mean for the Hard and Dissident Right?
Will their audience turn away, now that Trump has won?
There will be some of that, yes.
Politics is exhausting, and even many honest activists will relax into dysphoria of victory, fed by meme-gorged exhaustion mixed with genuine and deserved delight.
And that’s fine. It’s normal and it’s also the process of how human demographics shift concerns from issue to issue; from bread to circuses to war to despair. And these are not new, either, although the modalities certainly are; the Le Bon-Fourier Crowdstrike and the Resonance Bag are a bit further along than the Roman praeco when it comes to influencing the attention and direction of those demographics.
Once again, in moments of relaxation is when the hostile spear drives in.
For the Hard and Dissident Right, you must now focus on several important objectives above all others in the next four years, as the intemperate dragon leaves furrows in the land in his final petulant and/or vengeful flight:
Identify, promote, and test strong, capable leaders in executive roles across all militant, activist, and intellectual entities.
Network, liaison, and foster direct relationships across individuals, organizations, and institutions.
Increase regimentation and depth of training by fight clubs, activist organizations, and militants across all venues and arenas.
Incubate and spread coalescent, metastatic, militant ethos of discipline, identity, value, and executive competence across all demographics.
This is “cultivating the terrain”.
Many will gesture away impatiently as they obsequiously weave and weasel to wag with puppy whines before the new heir apparent to the throne. That’s also normal, but one admits to some distaste when observing it in the wild.
Relaxation and respite are not the same. Respite in war is not vacation; get it right.
The old fable of the Ant and the Grasshopper is relevant here.
You have now a potential opportunity to be the Ant, and prepare for the winter ahead.
Do so intelligently and carefully.
Do so with diligent effort and disciplined performance.
Search for leaders, connect with fealty, and support their traction. When you find excellence, push it forward with militant heart. Recommend them to the Company.
Work laterally. Identify potential targets of influence, wealth, authority, and power. Do your research and due diligence. Bring them to the Company.
Keep growing. Train harder. Train more people. Hold more events. Build that fighting spirit that comes from militant competition. Alert them to the Company.
Exploit victory. Make the discipline shine and the diligence produce. Harvest and lead, fortify and build, advance and fight. Present In Good Order under the Standard.
This will prepare us for the road ahead. And while it may feel akin to a parted sea, with Trump as Moses holding aloft a staff of God - it is still a sea, and will soon slam shut when this brief relief is over.
Not a minute to waste, you see.
I truly hope you understand this.
And that’s that.
More dissertation on the matter would only be received by stragglers. I trust you read my words carefully; understand the absolutely marvelous opportunity to drive some real salients into the terrain; and aren’t afraid of the work ahead.
Maybe you are; maybe you aren’t.
I am Ivan Throne.
I tell you today that you are an imbecile and a fool if you waste this chance.
It is astounding that you have it; events have defied both reason and expectation, and the times will grow crazier but now from position of power.
That doesn’t happen often; rarely even in a lifetime.
The Company already moves quickly to draft; and to surge above the new terrain.
Are you coming aboard?
Read Duty of the State by Dr. Marat and think about what golden luck you have.
The Mandate of Heaven has glinted in the darkness.
We have seen it move, and we can all feel the shift underneath the Earth.
Now we must do with it what we will.
I and the Company give thanks to God for the great lessening of pressure; for the departure of uncertainty from the lands; and for the tumble and turn of overthrow introduced into the affairs of Men on Earth under Heaven.
It is very good to be genuinely glad, is it not?
Now make that the mortar of the future.
Your cities will shine, and we will be there with you.
Grand rising!